In the face of convenience and clever food marketing, we’ve lost sight of our capacity to truly care for ourselves and trust our bodies symptoms as messengers. We are over informed yet under nourished. What can we do?
El que pots esperar:
Aprendràs que el menjar és una cura personal, un plaer primordial i una medicina poderosa. La cuina és una forma d'expressió meditativa i creativa que tots hauríem de conèixer.
La majoria de nosaltres ens sembla un repte cuinar, però canviaré d'opinió. Ja veus, un cop aprenem el valor dels aliments, el paper que juga al nostre món i com ens sentim quan mengem, canvia la nostra perspectiva.
Durant aquesta classe, t'inspiraré a veure els aliments com la base del teu benestar i a veure la teva cuina com la bomba de combustible que dóna suport a la teva vida.
Temes de classe
Primer dia:
Creant una intenció a la cuina
La teva relació amb el menjar
El vostre sistema de creences està al vostre plat
Com afecten les vostres eleccions alimentàries al vostre entorn
Menjar en temporada
Com una festa de cuina pot canviar la teva vida
Segon dia:
Menjar relaxat
El plaer del menjar
Per què hauríeu de cuinar i per on començar
CC Cooks: una demostració de cuina en directe
Reflexions finals i inici
Master Class de CCes reuneix en línia durant dos dissabtes.
La propera classe en directe comença a mitjans de gener.
UK and EU Guests
US Guests
€145 for this half day program.
About CC
CC Consalvo is a food mindset coach creating personal care programs based upon nutrition, trauma, stress and lifestyle.
She specializing in AIP or autoimmune protocol, SIBO, GERD, sugar addiction, sugar detox and most food elimination eating plans.
She partners with her clients, their practitioners and doctors through a unique combination of support, inspiration and accountability to attain sustainable outcomes.
After experiencing and healing herself from chronic illness, CC encourages others to turn their kitchens into medicine cabinets and embrace a deep more, soulful connection to one's inner nutritionist.
She also believes in rest and recovery to give you more energy, focus and balance. When you feel good in your body, you're less likely to soothe with the wrong foods.
CC was a holistic chef for 20 years in Los Angeles and has worked with Lady Gaga, Sir Elton John, Emily and Zooey Deschanel among others.
She'll works closely with your protocol, elimination lists and any eating style such as Paleo, Ketogenic, Mediterranean, Gundry, Plant Based, Vegan or Animal Based and whole food eating to reduce inflammation.
CC is the creator of: Hello Kitchen have we Met? An inspirational online guide to setting up your kitchen for every day cooking success.
She has made it her mission to change our relationship to food and makes the kitchen a creative, sacred space to be in.