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Well Restored Retreats & Getaways

Come be transformed in Formentera 

A wild and spectacular landscape with soul stirring sea views, private LA chef

and the best rated beaches in the world.


Allow us to curate
your getaway

Concierge, private chef, driver, sailing, horseback on the beach 

and more can all be arranged for you and your group. 

Thanks for submitting!

We plan, you pack. 
What our guests are saying
 "The best part of the retreat was Feeling nurtured and knowing I’m on the right path."  Maylin T.H.

"The biggest thing, which I’ve already begun to do, is slow down while eating and appreciate my meals more which feels really good to me."  John P.

"My goal was to reset my eating habits…done. We also learned how important hydration is and got great tips for meal planning."

"Loved being so taken care of by our wonderful hosts in the most beautiful setting. It was a real reset. Also the daily stretching classes, were a great help." Diane W.D.  

Join us on a truly magical island where you will be cared for during your stay and enjoy local, organic food created with love and respect by former Los Angeles based, celebrity chef CC Consalvo. 


We’ll slow down, explore and reconnect to nature with likeminded individuals in a place that even the best camera cannot capture. 

Whether you walk, swim or just cocoon, your stay will be most memorable and you’ll return inspired, with a new sense of food as self-care which is the most powerful gift you can give yourself. Let's turn your kitchen into your medicine cabinet.©


Your hosts: CC &  Roe  

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el nostre programa gastronòmic

El nostre programa d'aliments inclou la cuina neta, antiinflamatòria i característica del xef CC que utilitza només ingredients d'alta qualitat i excepcionalment deliciosos que es produeixen localment i de temporada sense l'ús de productes químics i hormones nocius. 

Els hostes vegans i vegetals són benvinguts i allotjats. 

Menú de mostra



  • Frittata amb ous locals, porro i bolets. Pesto de llavors de carbassa de rúcula

  • Farinetes de blat sarraí a la cocció lenta amb mantega alimentada amb herba llavors de carbassa rostides, compota de baies silvestres

  • Granola casolana, súper llavors, iogurt de llet d'ovella i fruita de temporada


Infusions d'herbes i cafè ecològic




  •  Wild Caught Peix - amb fideus d'arròs de coriandre de llimona en un brou de coco lleugerament picant

  •  Pollastre amb sàlvia taronja, romaní batut i pastanagues d'all fermentat, verdures de temporada 

  •  Slow Braised Beef, sugo al pomodoro fet a mà, tallarines locals, parmesà envellit  


Menú de mostra basat en plantes: 

  • Pastissos d'arròs salvatge delicadament escalfats amb una herba fresca, gremolata de cítrics i melmelada d'escalunya

  • Puré de moniato rostit, garbazos torrats, figues locals seques, herbes aromàtiques, kale cruixent

  • Fruita marinada de tamari, confeti de bledes, tahini i anacard rostit


Sample Retreat Menu
Breakfast, substantial snacks and dinner served daily. 
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  • Frittata using local eggs, leek and mushroom. Arugula pumpkin seed pesto. Garbanzo Frittata for our PB peeps. 

  • Slow cooked buckwheat porridge with grass fed butter roasted pumpkin seed, wild berry compote

  • House-made, super seed granola, sheep’s milk or coconut yogurt and seasonal fruit. 


Herbal teas and organic coffee




  •  Wild Caught Fish - with lemongrass coriander rice noodles in a mildly spicy coconut broth

  •  Orange Sage Chicken, whipped rosemary and fermented garlic carrots, seasonal greens 

  •  Slow Braised Beef, sugo al pomodoro over handmade, local tagliatelle, aged parmesan  


Plant Based Sample Menu: 

  • Wild rice cakes delicately seared with a fresh herb, citrus gremolata and shallot jam

  • Roasted sweet potato puree, toasted garbazos, dried local fig, herbs, crispy kale

  • Tamari marinated jack fruit, Swiss chard confetti, tahini and roasted cashew

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Cada dia, Roe és la teva guia per  descobrir llocs rars i amagats a les illes més petites i maques de les Balears. 

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Cada dia CC shares factible i  maneres il·lustradores de veure la vostra relació amb el menjar. 


No més dietes, saltant en escales i calorie counting. Conserva aquesta energia per viure la teva vida. 

Sortiràs empoderat amb un pla d'acció manejable i un nou wai per veure la teva cuina. Accessible, eficient i un lloc per jugar i connectar amb els teus sentits. 

És el que fem la majoria de les vegades el que importa.

En les nostres sessions diàries parlarem de l'alimentació relaxada i intuïtiva, el plaer de menjar, cuinar amb els altres i com ser creatiu ens manté joves.  


Gaudireu de tasts de menjar, demostracions i 

planificarem i cuinar un àpat junts. 

Programació de mostres diàries 

We offer ferry pick up, drop off and you'll be driven to all daily excursion sites. All activities are optional.

When participating in daily excursions, you'll have the choice of a beach trek, beach cafe or stay and relax on the beach. 


Daily food coaching includes topics such as finding real pleasure in eating and proper hydration.

You'll also learn how embracing a relaxed approach to eating can help you manage symptoms, balance weight and realign your digestion. Enjoy food tastings and observe a cooking demonstrations for simple, every day meal ideas.  

A la teva arribada: 


Al port de la Savina serem allà per rebre't. Des d'allà et portarem de nou a la Vila per relaxar-te, prendre un refrigeri i presentacions  


19:00  Sopar de benvinguda


21h - Te i conversa 

21:30h Meditació guiada (opcional) 

23h - 8h hora tranquil·la




8 - 8:45 a.m.  Easing into the day - light guidad movement and meditation 


9 -10:15h   Esmorzar Al Fresca


10:30 - 13:00  Excursions diàries per explorar platges exquisides, cims de penya-segats, passejades per pinedes.   


1 - 15h  Temps lliure a la tarda  - Refrigeri a la Vila, bany, ioga, saló o explora el poble dels voltants


15:30 - 17:30 -  Coaching amb CC: gaudeix dels tasts de menjar i aprèn com cuinar amb amics i familiars és una experiència sensorial. CC us mostrarà com una mentalitat intencionada és la vostra millor eina de cuina. També prepararem i gaudirem d'un àpat junts. 

19:30  Sopar


20:30 - 22:00  Música lounge i ball de freestyle o un bany de so curatiu a la Villa 

23:00 - 8:00 Hora tranquil·la 

Daily Schedule
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There are a lot of things happening in our world. but the question is, what are you doing to take care of yourself?  


Chew on this for a moment because often times, we believe we can’t be happy until the whole world is ok. However when this thought gets repeated enough, it becomes a belief and life gets the message that you’re ok holding off on your happiness.  


In turn how we feel, shows up at the dinner table. Subtle or unconscious we end up litterally eating our worries.  


Eating mindfully is an opportunity to be present, line up your energy and truly nourish yourself. 

From this place, you have much more to offer the world in the way of contributing a higher, lighter frequency. Think eating and meditation had a really, cute baby and it’s called Mindful Eating. 

Remember, you are worth the expansion and this transformative experience is waiting for you my friend.

Join me May 23-28th. 


You’ll have two charming hosts, a private chef, a driver on a magical island with a few of the worlds top beaches and you’ll experience profound food coaching to transform your relationship with food and eating for life. 


No more dieting, calorie counting or scales. Only self care in the form of nourishment, peace and surrender. 


We have a few remaining spaces for May. Let’s hop on a discovery call and make it work for you and your tribe. 

What our guests are saying

"CC and Roe are wonderful hosts. Their enthusiasm, humor and passion for wellness reign supreme.Their love for Formentera shows in the company they keep and the local island dwellers return of that affection 

I felt cared for and happy in their company."

B. Harris

"Roe and CC truly know how to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere that allows for maximum self-care and growth. I left feeling refreshed, energized, and grateful for the experience.

I highly recommend their retreats to anyone looking to be more relaxed about food and cooking in a beautiful setting.”

C. Hurtt

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