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You won’t find peace counting calories, you'll find it in real food and eating like you love yourself. 


Amy Brenneman, Actress

"I just want to thank you CC for truly restoring me to health. I needed help nutritionally and you made it simple." ​


Todd Lieberman, Producer 

CC is a master at working with seemingly absurd dietary restrictions.  always fresh, always healthy and most importantly, always delicious."   


Dr. Trebilcock, Naturopathic Doctor 

CC thank you... I have now put your name on every treatment plan that goes out to every patient, as a referral for chef placement. 

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Food Mindset Coaching 

CC  partners with her clients and their doctors through a unique combination of accountability, support and inspiration.


Mindful Eating Retreats 

Your stay will be most memorable and you’ll return inspired, with a new sense of food as self-care which is the most powerful gift you can give yourself. 

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The Well Restored Mindset 

Our NEW membership platform created to educate, support and share how food, along with our mindset towards eating, has the power to save our health. 


Coming in 2025 

 Well Restored
Mindset Membership 

Habits don’t restrict freedom, they create it. 

CC Consalvo is a holistic nutritionist and food mindset coach creating personal care programs based upon nutrition, trauma, stress and lifestyle.

Exempció de responsabilitat:

Les opinions expressades a, Food Coach Weekly i CC Consalvo es publiquen només amb finalitats educatives i informatives i no tenen la intenció de fer un diagnòstic, tractament ni substituir l'assessorament mèdic professional. Si us plau, consulteu el vostre metge o un altre professional de la salut per a les vostres necessitats o inquietuds mèdiques específiques.

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