You won’t find peace counting calories, manipulating scales or eating with distractions.
You’ll find it by being consistent, finding pleasure in real food and eating like you love yourself.
Amy Brenneman, Actress
"I just want to thank you CC for truly restoring me to health. I needed help nutritionally and you made it simple."
Todd Lieberman, Producer
CC is a master at working with seemingly absurd dietary restrictions. always fresh, always healthy and most importantly, always delicious."
Dr. Trebilcock, Naturopathic Doctor
CC thank you... I have now put your name on every treatment plan that goes out to every patient, as a referral for chef placement.
CC Consalvo is a holistic nutritionist and food mindset coach creating personal care programs based upon nutrition, trauma, stress and lifestyle.
Descargo de responsabilidad:
Las opiniones expresadas en, Food Coach Weekly y por CC Consalvo se publican solo con fines educativos e informativos y no pretenden ser un diagnóstico, tratamiento ni sustituir el consejo médico profesional. Consulte a su médico u otro profesional de la salud sobre su atención médica específica y/o sus necesidades o inquietudes médicas.